Orangery primary school

Orangery primary school is designed as an elementary school (1st to 5th grade). We are a school that ensures high quality education in Czech and English language. Our mission is to create a stimulating learning environment, in which the children can achieve the best results, and a secure atmosphere for sharing and friendship. At Orangery primary school, children are led to independence, responsibility, and an active approach to life. Our school offers small group learning environment – 16 children max in class, individual learning styles, respective formative assessment – no grades, intensive cooperation with parents – communication, school events, modern methods of instruction, project-based learning, relationship building, emphasis on good climate, social skills development. Additionally, we promote the use of creativity, teach esthetics and ethics, we are environmentally friendly school which include a school psychologist and special education specialists, and last but not least, a team of professional adults with a kind and respectful approach to children.
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